Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Vegetable Extracts And Colon Cancer Cell Growth

Broccoli. By Fir0002 - Own work, GFDL 1.2, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5772317

Here is an interesting paper about colorectal cancer (CRC) that examines the effects of extracts enriched in isothiocyanates (ITCs), which are known to have anti-CRC properties, on different cell culture models of CRC, including more advanced 3-D spheroid approaches. Spheroids are more analogous to actual tumors and represent a useful methodology for analyzing the effects of different agents.  

Colorectal cancer (CRC) recurrence is often attributable to circulating tumor cells and/or cancer stem cells (CSCs) that resist to conventional therapies and foster tumor progression. Isothiocyanates (ITCs) derived from Brassicaceae vegetables have demonstrated anticancer effects in CRC, however little is known about their effect in CSCs and tumor initiation properties. Here we examined the effect of ITCs-enriched Brassicaceae extracts derived from watercress and broccoli in cell proliferation, CSC phenotype and metastasis using a previously developed three-dimensional HT29 cell model with CSC-like traits. Both extracts were phytochemically characterized and their antiproliferative effect in HT29 monolayers was explored. Next, we performed cell proliferation assays and flow cytometry analysis in HT29 spheroids treated with watercress and broccoli extracts and respective main ITCs, phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC) and sulforaphane (SFN). Soft agar assays and relative quantitative expression analysis of stemness markers and Wnt/β-catenin signaling players were performed to evaluate the effect of these phytochemicals in stemness and metastasis. Our results showed that both Brassicaceae extracts and ITCs exert antiproliferative effects in HT29 spheroids, arresting cell cycle at G₂/M, possibly due to ITC-induced DNA damage. Colony formation and expression of LGR5 and CD133 cancer stemness markers were significantly reduced. Only watercress extract and PEITC decreased ALDH1 activity in a dose-dependent manner, as well as β-catenin expression. Our research provides new insights on CRC therapy using ITC-enriched Brassicaceae extracts, specially watercress extract, to target CSCs and circulating tumor cells by impairing cell proliferation, ALDH1-mediated chemo-resistance, anoikis evasion, self-renewal and metastatic potential.
Therefore, these vegetable extracts inhibited the growth of the CRC 3-D spheroid cultures, possibly due to damage to cell DNA induced by the ITC component of the extracts.  Other indicators of CRC cell growth and cancer-causing potential were also suppressed, particularly by the watercress extract.  These findings suggest the potential of such extracts for CRC therapeutics.

More about watercress, including possible health concerns about consumption (which need to be noted and considered) is at the link.   For me, I’ll continue eating my broccoli.

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