Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Identity theft and a new scam

Remember my post on our identity theft problem? 

The saga continues. This year, IRS sent me a letter that the fraudsters used my information to file yet another tax return on my name. 

Last year, we had a fraudulent joint tax return.

I had to wait again 40 minutes on the phone for the IRS staff to answer my call (the IRS letter demanded that I call to declare that I have not filed my tax return yet...).

So, we filed our joint tax return by paper, with a pin number. It will be a long time before any refund comes.

Meanwhile, we were targeted by a new scam - "Do you hear me?". 

Here is its description.  If you have not been warned yet, read it. 

My husband had read the warning, but when our phone rang, we had just arrived from work and in a hurry to do millions of tasks. So, when the phone rang, and a female voice asked  "Do you hear me?", my husband answered with "Yes, I hear you". As soon as he said it, he remembered the warning... 

At least we found out the number, from which the call came. Tomorrow, we will talk to Better Business Bureau, report the phone number to FTC, and may be file a police report.

Now we will be carefully looking at all our bills (e.g., utilities, phone, credit card) for this new fraud. 

All of these unpleasant things have been accompanied by a complete and utter insanity at work. Every day for the past two weeks has been worse than the previous. More on this some other time.

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