Thursday, January 21, 2021

Parvovirus B19 And Pregnancy

Something pregnant women should be aware of discussed here, abstract: 

Several infections in adults warrant special consideration in pregnant women given the potential fetal consequences. Among these is parvovirus B19 deserves special attention since the harmful effects on the pregnant woman and fetus. It can then cause fetal anemia, non-immune fetal hydrops and fetal death. Among cases with fetal demise, B19 is found in significant numbers, especially in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. There is no specific treatment or prophylaxis available against B19 infection, but counseling of non-immune mothers and active monitoring of confirmed maternal infections with intervention to correct fetal anemia is likely to decrease mortality.

This may be something that pregnant women should discuss with their physician, if they want to monitor teir status in this regard.