Sunday, April 30, 2017

TV Viewing Increases Physical Frailty In The Elderly

By Wags05 at English Wikipedia - Own work, Public Domain,

A study was performed to determine whether the time spent watching television was associated with increased physical frailty in older individuals.

The background/objective from the abstract:

Sedentariness is an important risk factor for poor health. The main objective of this work was to examine the prospective association between television viewing time and indicators of physical function, mobility, agility, and frailty.

And the conclusions from the abstract:

Among older adults, longer television viewing time is prospectively associated with limitations in physical function independently of physical activity.

So, it would seem sitting watching television is a particularly pernicious form of inactivity that causes decreased physical function, at least in the older individuals studied.  Perhaps because watching television is such a passive experience (for example, reading a book may be physically passive but at least the mind is being used) it has such a negative impact. Get off the couch and start doing something.

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