Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Diet And Psoriasis

At left, typical psoriasis treatment regimens.  By User:Marnanel, after Batrobin - Self-made. Based on the public domain en:Image:Treatment ladder.png, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3235248

While the treatments outlined in the figure (top left) seem to be helpful to most psoriasis patients, those patients should ask their doctors whether a change in diet could be helpful as well.  From the abstract of this paper, we read:

The percentage of patients reporting skin improvement was greatest after reducing alcohol (53.8%), gluten (53.4%), nightshades (52.1%), and after adding fish oil/omega-3 (44.6%), vegetables (42.5%), and oral vitamin D (41%). Specific diets with the most patients reporting a favorable skin response were Pagano (72.2%), vegan (70%), and Paleolithic (68.9%).

The Pagano diet is described here.

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