Friday, December 18, 2015

The bugaboos in our life

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. Elbert Hubbard

There is a fine balance between sanity and insanity, healthy and unhealthy, reasonable and unreasonable, psychosis and normal attitude. I would like to lead a healthy and wise life; however, sometimes I am dubious about the advice, and fatigued from the messages that are supposed to keep me safe, informed and healthy.

I visit health blogs and websites daily. Health and purposeful existence are an interest of mine; however, most of the time I feel terrible about the contents I read and hear. The more I know, the sadder I feel. The news is usually an old news, a bad news, or an advice that is “blah” and uninspiring. Frequently, the only good news are the news about new breakthrough medications. Forward a few years, and the same medications seem ineffective.

What I truly would like to find on sites that promote well-being and health is how people obtain a better quality of life by doing something within their power, something that does not require high tech, medications, or lots of money. And if a problem is mentioned, I would like it to be accompanied by at least a glimmer of hope that there is a solution.

Can life be healthy and enjoyable at the same time? What do you think?  Starting today - three months after we published our first post - we are opening this blog to your comments.

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