Saturday, February 25, 2017

Weekend cooking: Lentils and potatoes soup

I have been so immersed in reading today that I almost forgot to post my weekend cooking recipe! Rhys Bowen's book Death of Riley is my current reading, and as I wrote before, lady Bowen is a master of suspense.

Today's recipe is for yet another high-fiber meal. Dietary fiber is the miracle "medicine" against all, excessive weight, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood glucose, gastrointestinal disorders, colorectal cancer, diabetes type II, etc. How much fiber a day is enough, you ask? Read my previous post.
Treat the recipe below as a framework and do your own alterations: change the ratio of the ingredients, add carrots, celery, other ingredients, and experiment with spices and herbs.

Lentils and potatoes soup

You need:
1 lb lentils
6 or more potatoes (any type), cut into small cubes 

2-3 medium size onions, diced
10-20 garlic cloves, chopped 

spices: winter savory, mint, paprika, salt

Wash and prepare the lentils according to the package. Combine all ingredients except for the spices in a large soup pot, and add water to the desired density. Boil at low heat until lentils and potatoes are fully cooked (approximately 30 minutes). Add spices before turning off the heat. 

I serve the soup with a bit of apple cider vinegar or a few pickles on the side, cheese and toast.

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