Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Navigating the shark-infested waters at work

By original author is Fbattail , the image is cropped by Chris huh - Original image: Carcharhinus-amblyrynchos.jpg by Fbattail at fr.wikipedia, March 14, 2004cropped image: Greyreefsharksmall.jpg by Chris huh at en.wikipedia, August 29. 2006Transfered to Commons by Harryemi, September 21, 2008, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4834577

I am still learning how to navigate the dangerous waters at work. This is an essential skill, as I would like to keep my current position for as long as I can. 

Anyway, avoiding the sharks at my job is not easy, so I read with great interest the post How Nice People Can Master Conflict.

I guess, I need to practice my assertiveness, avoid the absolute statements, and try to use hypothetical situations to (politely) hint on the stupidity of some decisions and directives. 

Practice makes perfect...

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