Saturday, March 12, 2016

Economic collapse or not

Have you heard about the likely economic collapse in 2016? It is all over the alternative and not-so-alternative media. Some of the comments are more moderate and not that scary, predicting a recession rather than a dramatic economic collapse.

I have just started to build a small portfolio of dividend-yielding stocks and after reading the dire predictions feel like an idiot. It is true that my timing with everything in life has been off. 

So, I decided to follow some of the financial advice on how to be prepare for economic collapse, and only after I am done with
  • building an emergency fund (I have no debt)
  • having some cash close by (in a savings account)
  • trying to establish a small garden (and fight off the rabbits and deer for the produce) 
... only then I can continue with my newly-found passion of dividend stock-investing. 

I am not planning on stockpiling anything (e.g., water, food, etc.). If things go really wrong, how long can such supplies last anyway? Also, if you search the Internet, economic collapse was predicted for 2015, 2014, 2013, etc...
It is more likely that we slowly slide down into an economic recession, rather than experience a sudden economic collapse. 

One way or another, I am sick and tired of people playing with, and profiting from, our fears. It is true, however, that the more sustainable our households are, the better we will feel and the healthier the society will be.

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