Saturday, February 13, 2016

Every blog has a story

Every blog has a human story – the story of its creator.

Although I realize that the human story behind a blog is sometimes the greatest attraction and a moving force in a blog, I decided not to reveal my identity until I am employed.

However, I enjoy reading other people’s blogs and stories. They are the most motivational and inspirational force in my life.

I have written about resources on financial independence and I continue following all these sites. However, there are new websites that I discover every day, and would like to share two new ones I recently found and started following:

Dividend Mantra is a blog that I found through Mr. Money Mustache’s site. I loved the story of the guy.

Eff You Money is another blog of someone who is starting on his road of financial independence, and he also has a great story to tell.

What attracts me to blogs dedicated to financial independence (FI)? 

I have noticed that it is not the advice on how to save, invest, and grow financially that is most interesting to me. The financial strategies are certainly something to emulate and achieve.  

However, what is most engaging is that the road to FI is usually a road of a personal growth and self-improvement in many different aspects: diet, health, physical activity, relief from stress, low or no consumerism, better outlook in life, care for friends and family, and sharing wisdom. And this is why I find FI blogs most inspirational. So, money must have a soul?

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