Friday, June 9, 2017

How to make a team

I would like to share an excellent post on how to make a team:

Steal This: The 90/10 Decision Making Model

According to the post, 90% of the decisions of the team members should be taken on their own - without the permission of the boss. 

How is your team working? 

If you are the boss, have you empowered your team in its decision-taking process? 

If you are a team member, do you have a boss that trusts you?

I am not a boss. And as a "team member", I pass every single decision (or rather, suggestion) through my immediate bosses. Yes, that's right - I have several of them. 

Having multiple bosses hovering above and you not being able to take autonomous decisions are the reasons why things are not done on time in academia. The hands of people who can deliver results are usually tied, and the decision-taking process is muddled.

I think that the only decision I can take at my job is when I can visit the ladies' room. 

I did have some creative work done in the lab for the past 10 or more years, but again, even this road is shut down, if one cannot bring funds to support the research.

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