Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The road makes us more human

The title re-phrases a poet I read long time ago. The "road" can lead to a physical destination or could be a process of achieving a goal. Either effort feeds the soul.

What does not feed the soul is pessimism, negative news, dark movies and books … All of these are “junk” food for the soul. Therefore, negativism/pessimism should be avoided the same way we avoid feeding our body with junk food.

We should also avoid surrounding ourselves with people who are unhappy and pessimistic – such situation is reminiscent of a cafeteria full of junk food, where one has to engage all his willpower not to swallow whatever is served.

On the other hand, optimism, hope, and plans for a better future nourish the soul the same way healthy foods nurture our immune system, brain, and body functions.

Optimism means having goals and a life destination. The path to the destination should be as joyful as you imagine the final destination would be.  

However, on the road of achieving long-term goals, one could become fatigued and jaded. This is why we need short-term goals, the accomplishment of which boosts the self-confidence. 

On the way to financial and health freedom, we should also pose from time to time, and reflect on the future. Visualize ourselves already independent, but still filled with vigor. 

What would I do with my newly found freedom? I still do not know, but what I know is that once at the destination, the feeling of freedom will increase my creativity and broaden my mind. And this, at least to me, is the definition of happiness. 

Stop being a passive consumer of negative and pessimistic news, books, and mainstream media "entertainment". Clarify your short-term and long-term goals and get on the path of your destination.

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