Friday, November 20, 2015


Why cannot researchers get it right, and stop quibbling about facts and knowledge that destroy our health and kill thousands of people every day? Why cannot our politicians publicize and support the unequivocal and true knowledge that we already have?

Here is one study that provides evidence that added sugar in our diet is the worst we can do to ourselves. And here is another study that assures us that “soda and sweets aren’t making Americans fat”. True, this second study mentions that the portion size and physical exercise should be considered when controlling body weight; however, it somehow gives us green light to indulge on “junk food”. Is it wise to publicize such studies, or even perform such studies? And whom are we kidding when we write about these findings? In times when people give the maximum of a few seconds per article, the only take home message would be the title, and the titles re-assure us that “Junk Food Isn't To Blame for America's Obesity Epidemic”, “Soda and junk foods are not making you fat, study says“, and “Fast Food, Soft Drink, and Candy Intake is Unrelated to Body Mass Index for 95% of American Adults”. The conclusion that how much we eat/exercise counts is swept into the darkest corner of our mind (and the publications).


Recently, CDC reported a significant decrease in the number of smokers in the U.S. This spectacular result is due to a successful approach that CDC should re-apply to processed foods and sugar. Dear CDC, please, label all of these products with the following:
  • SURGEON GENERAL WARNING: Excess of processed foods can cause cancer
  • SURGEON GENERAL WARNING: Processed foods are not a safe alternative to real food (real food is something that your great-grandma would have recognized as edible)
  • SURGEON GENERAL WARNING: Processed foods and sugar increase your risk of multiple chronic diseases
  • SURGEON GENERAL WARNING: Sugar intake leads to diabetes, cancer, and heart diseases
  • SURGEON GENERAL WARNING: Consuming processed foods and sugar will result in your children having a shorter life than yours
  • SURGEON GENERAL WARNING: This product contains/produces chemicals known to increase the risk of neurological diseases
  • SURGEON GENERAL WARNING: Sugar is addictive
Furthermore, dear government, impose taxes on sugar
... and remember that messing with the minds of people will lead  to disastrous results. Please, unite behind a consistent message, and clean up the supermarket shelves from toxic materials or at least, label these properly.

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