Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Start with a clean slate

Here is an interesting parallel between simplifying our life and weight loss. Maybe similar to nature that re-vamps itself each season and takes on a new beginning each spring, we can re-start our lives? Maybe simplifying life by keeping only the most essential will help us improve our dietary habits through proven pathways?

A recent trend, this of "zero waste life" is an example of a simpler life that imposes on us to say good-bye to most, if not all, processed foods. The zero-waste enthusiasts do not buy anything packaged; they are limited to what they can buy (in bulk) with their own re-usable bags and jars. Usually this limits the choices to wholesome, fresh foods. I personally cannot go to "zero waste", simply because I do not have time to shop every few days.  However, I try my best to minimize my waste.

Undertaking dietary changes in the context of larger lifestyle changes might be helpful. Starting your dietary change with a "clean slate" in life, and being passionate about the cause (for "zero waste life" fans, this is our impact on the environment) might be pivotal to the success.

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