How do you maintain your youthful good looks?
Do you spend big bucks on cosmetics, surgeries, or spas?
If you watch The Truth About Looking Young, a BBC documentary, you will find out that the choice to look young is in your hands, or rather - on your table. A well-known truth is being recited, "...sugar can make you look older..." Not to mention the health benefits of NOT eating sugar.
Other than keeping diet rich in fresh fruit and veggies, and void of sugar, you could prepare your own beauty remedies at home. These recipes do not include a hefty list of chemicals and will save you money. Below are some of my tested recipes.
Skin cleanser

I keep the cleanser at room temperature, and clean my face in the morning and in the evening. If you are allergy-prone, always check for allergy by spotting some of the homemade remedies on the skin inside of your elbow and watch for skin reaction within 48 hours.
Anti-inflammatory facial mask

Crush the four aspirins with a mortar and pestle, add the honey and a few drops of water (or apple cider vinegar, if you prefer). Mix until smooth. Keep the mask on your face for at least 20 minutes. I keep mine for an hour and repeat it 3 - 4 times a week. To remove the mask, wet your hands and rub the material with gentle circular movements. The aspirin powder exfoliates when one applies this "massage" to remove the mask. If you have severe acne, gently wash off the material, do not rub the skin.
Check Forever Young Part II and this video if you have a pimple problem!
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