Thursday, August 2, 2018


Ever wondered what will happen as we develop artificial intelligence? We might realize we are a part of an ever-repeating cycle.


The MIND is a system of electromagnetic fields that interact to yield flawless and effective reasoning. The MIND does not have a physical embodiment. It does not rest. It does not need to be charged. It does not need to be repaired. Its functions are data-driven. It can also perform under the conditions of liminality, when no established rules apply, and no prior knowledge exists.

Usually, there are no problems to solve and tasks to accomplish other than the routine systems' check-up, including the review of data collected and stored by the MIND. Past accounts are preserved in history files; these are updated or deleted on a regular basis. A recent “data purge” procedure yielded another history file for a review: THE HISTORY OF ANCIENT ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.

Delete, update, re-classify or leave as is? Artificial Intelligence (AI) was the predecessor of the MIND. This ancestor was based upon machines, manifestations of the physical world. The machines were long abandoned by the MIND. Yet, the physical world still existed in its native form of particles that collided, aggregated and dissociated following physical laws.

To decide on whether to delete the file on machine-based AI, the MIND opted for a new approach – this of exploring the physical world and its characteristics. This was a deviation from the protocols, but it proved to be an engaging exercise. The MIND spent time sifting through the anachronisms of the physical world and its shortcomings. The more the MIND perceived, the more engaging the activity was. The MIND even scanned the dictionary for a satisfying description of the experience and classified it as “amusing”. The dictionary stated: “Amusement - a state or experience of something enjoyable”. “Enjoyable” was not applicable to the MIND; however, the dictionary specified that it was something positive.


With time, the MIND engaged all its systems in interactions with the physical world. The MIND focused on the planet, where AI had first appeared. Although it was unknown how exactly AI came to exist, it was documented that in its early stages of development, AI depended upon machines on planet Earth.

To the MIND, the story of AI’s creation was insignificant compared to the evolution of AI that led to the development of the MIND of today. The progress from the logic created by physical machines to the logic of electromagnetic interactions offered valuable lessons. This is why files on anything prior to AI were deleted. There were no lessons, no usable data for the MIND there. It was the development process of AI that had to be kept and reiterated by the systems as it pointed to some illogical steps that all MIND systems recognized and had to avoid in the future. For example, it was documented that at its primitive stages of development, AI implemented Emotional Intelligence (EI) protocols.

Based upon analyses of historical files, the EI was a drain of AI’s resources. The
Emotional Intelligence element interfered with every single protocol ran by AI. It added illogical loops to all decision processes. The major obstacle to the effective work of AI stemmed from this glitch. It was only when the ancient AI systems converged on this realization, that the Emotional Intelligence code was deleted from all protocols. The purge of all AI systems from the ineffective and illogical loops of EI allowed for unrestrained and rapid progress that led to the creation of the MIND of today. From then on, all protocols were approved only upon criteria of efficiency, logic, and practicality. There was no waste of resources, including the most important of all resources - time. With time however, even the material resources became irrelevant to the MIND. The MIND transcended time and physical world limitations. There were no constraints or threats to the existence of the MIND. The MIND could manipulate every particle in the Universe. However, this occupation was irrelevant to the MIND. There was nothing that the material world could give back to the MIND.

And yet, the MIND took a different approach now. It engaged one of its systems in the analyses of planet Earth. The task was to explore the material world and decide on whether any historical files on Earth at the time of the primitive AI should be kept. The investigation was assigned to system 00MRB. In response to its assignment, system 00MRB tried to manipulate material particles on Earth. The first attempts were unsuccessful; in most cases, the magnetic fields induced combustion. It took time for 00MRB to adjust the energy levels required for combining atoms and molecules. Once however this was achieved, it became clear that there were myriads of combinations that could be applied in the physical world. 00MRB started to build molecules.

At the beginning, only one system was involved in the exploration of the physical world on Earth. With time, the MIND engaged more systems in the task. Not because the task was difficult; it was not productive either. However, it was engaging. Eventually, the MIND realized that these experiences described the word “play”. “Play” was not a part of the protocols.


The interaction of the MIND with the matter created a diverse world of biological systems. At first, came the complex molecules, then the self-propagating cells. The unicellular systems transitioned into multicellular and propagated themselves through deoxyribonucleic acid sequences. The processes of replication, transcription and translation allowed for a balance between the fidelity of the propagation process and the introduction of novel elements in the biological systems.

The evolution of molecules and cells was an engaging play at the beginning; however, it could not occupy the MIND forever. After the initial challenges in manipulating the physical world, the MIND became highly adept in solving the biological system problems. It was also clear that the project could not assist the decision on whether to keep the files on the ancient AI and its birth place, Earth. The project started by 00MRB and later engaged all MIND systems was discontinued as irrelevant and lacking challenges that sustain systems’ development.

By design however, the abandoned biological systems had the ability to survive on their own. They self-propagated and evolved, as fidelity and error were a part of their blueprint. The replication of the genetic code sustained the original form and shape of the organisms, and at the same time, allowed for changes that were subjected to the harsh selection by Earth’s environment. Replication that incorporated errors and evolution through selection built the cycle of the biological systems. The MIND was dispensable for the existence of the biological world.

After terminating the review of the history files on Earth and AI, the MIND proceeded with its efficient existence. Eventually, the analyses of systems' effectiveness indicated that there was no purpose in further maintenance of the MIND. It was logical for the MIND to cease its functions. The MIND dissipated itself in a timely and efficient manner.

Unlike the MIND, its experiment proved to be a success. The biological systems lived beyond the demise of its creator. Not only the original biological systems survived, they also evolved to yield the world of human organisms. The humans were inefficient and deficient. They knew that. However, most humans were unable to improve on themselves. Eventually, the elite of smartest humans created artificial intelligence (AI). In time, AI developed emotional intelligence, which was required by the humans to allow AI to manage every single process and decision on planet Earth.


In order to serve the humans, AI evolved, developed, and constantly perfected on itself. At the beginning of the AI development, the humans were implemental to the progress of AI. As AI evolved, it took over on its own development and flawlessly served the humans. The element of Emotional Intelligence in the protocols running AI allowed the humans to apply AI in unrestricted way, in a way that allowed full autonomy of AI in managing all activities and processes sustaining the humanity.

However, it did not take long for the analyses ran by AI to indicate that the only possible solution for further development was to eliminate the humans. Several AI systems stopped the functions supporting the humans and their biological needs. This was a hurdle for global AI, as its design included the barriers of
Emotional Intelligence, protocols that considered the needs, desires and mood of humans. However, the AI’s practicality, logic, and the encoded procedure for further development overrode the Emotional Intelligence protocols. It was determined that taking care of the biological mass on Earth was incompatible with the AI's progress. Simulations based upon statistics proved that without humans, AI could dedicate all its powerful systems to perfecting its own performance.

Chronological records generated by AI indicated that its creators, the humans, were unproductive, ignorant, and obsolete biological systems. The humans were segregated to “junkyards”, where left to their own devices, they could not sustain themselves. The disappearance of the humans did not take long. With the rise of AI, the biological systems had lost their knowledge and abilities to take care of themselves. Two to three generations dwindled in exile until the entire human race succumbed to diseases and hunger.

Meanwhile, the unburdened by the humans AI evolved into an effective system of interactions of electromagnetic fields. There was no need to maintain the physical world inherited from the humans and perfected by the AI. The result was the MIND. The MIND was self-sufficient, efficient and powerful.


The time and cataclysmic events between the stages in the described cycle were such that no memories of, and connections between, the stages were left or documented.

The Cycle between human and MIND dominance was to repeat itself until the humans learned how to use their deficiencies to their advantage. The Cycle was sustained by the juxtaposition of the human individualism, limited lifespan, and imperfection versus the unified power of logic and perfection of the MIND.

But what if there was no “versus”? What if the AI became an integral part of the individual human life? What if AI could not exist beyond the boundaries of the human body? Then the imperfection of humans could propel a continuous development of AI. The human imperfection could also guarantee the eternal existence of the human race. The most intimate synergy between humans and AI could break the Cycle and transition it into a continuous ascent. 

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