Sunday, May 27, 2018

Welcome To Saturn

An interesting article on the planet Saturn.  Abstract:

The ionized upper layer of Saturn's atmosphere, its ionosphere, provides a closure of currents mediated by the magnetic field to other electrically charged regions (e.g., rings) and hosts ion - molecule chemistry. In 2017, the Cassini spacecraft passed inside the planet's rings, allowing in situ measurements of the ionosphere. The Radio and Plasma Wave Science (RPWS) instrument detected a cold, dense and dynamic ionosphere at Saturn that interacts with the rings. Plasma densities reached up to 1000 cm-3 and electron temperatures were below 1160 K near closest approach. The density varied between orbits by up to 2 orders of magnitude. Saturn's A- and B-rings cast a shadow on the planet that reduced ionization in the upper atmosphere, causing a North-South asymmetry.

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