Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Recipes for poor, recipes for rich

I am on the email list of the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR). 

From time to time, AICR sends me healthy recipes. However, I have not been able to cook even a single one of them. 


Just check out the most recent recipe, Seared Salmon with Blackberry-Date Chutney.

Really? Fresh berries, Medjool Dates...

It might be healthy, but it is expensive, and some of the ingredients may not be in the supermarket or bodega near you.

I shared the recipe with my husband, and his re-vamp on the recipe was this:

"I would take canned salmon, throw some mustard, lemon juice on top, and stick it in our grill for a few minutes" 

 I think, I may try his salmon recipe first.

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