Sunday, April 9, 2017


In our corner of the U.S., these two weekend days the temperature broke above 50F, and I finally had time to start cleaning the garden. It is a huge job, it will take days and weeks, but at least I made some progress with the garden in front of the house. 

The back garden still looks wild and some parts of it are impassible due to the water pooling. We had a huge thaw (of a three-foot snow), followed by rains.

My body hurts all over, but I am excited by the sighting of the first "girls" in the garden, I call all my flowers "girls". 

My miniature daffodils were the first to open and announce that Spring is here

My succulents form a colorful carpet that breaks the early Spring austerity

The hyacinths are just about to open. I hope they do for Easter!

The opportunity to work in the garden came just in time to save my sanity. After two weeks of horror stories and unfortunate events at work, I needed some "garden-work meditation". 

Another difficult week is coming, and it will not be a short week for me, since my employer does not consider Good Friday as a holiday. 

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