Thursday, July 14, 2016

Are you sick and still searching for diagnosis?

Today I found out about CrowdMed. It seems that the company was founded in 2012-2013. It facilitates individuals in finding out their true diagnosis. I am still navigating through the website to find out how this is accomplished, but it seems that one needs to pay a fee in order to post his/her case and obtain the opinion of medical experts.

Considering the horror stories I have heard about misdiagnosis or late diagnosis, the concept of CrowdMed does fill a niche. How successful and useful the approach is, I do not know.

If you have any opinion, please share here.

A useful website for individuals with already confirmed diagnosis is PatientsLikeMe, where people share knowledge about their conditions, treatments, etc. Again, I have not used it; therefore, if you have any opinion on the service, please share.

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