Sunday, October 8, 2017

Death, Navy SEALs and millennial revolution

Here everything is touched by the tinge of ending and death. I am trying to celebrate the vestiges of the summer glory - my last flowers made a great bouquet in the living room today. The days are surprisingly warm; however, the leaves are falling and the bare brunches of the trees are stark against the deep blue of the sky. And I have still not recovered from the last winter’s storm in March…

How true this sounds: “…in autumn in the country, you could practically feel everything dying and became aware of your own mortality.

The sentence is from a silly book called The Dead Dance, by M.C. Beaton. I read silly books when I need to get away from the drama of my job. And I do need a distraction these days. This weekend, despite the work overload spilled into my “free” hours, I decided to stop by the local library and get my type of distraction – a few mysteries. I do not watch TV, and do not go to bars or sports events.

Other than that - I quickly visited the website to salivate over Bouquet, Panama, and its culinary highlights. Panama is where the young revolutionary couple has been spending time recently. I can only dream about it. Living through someone else’s good times is pitiful, but there is no way out of the rat race for me. I do not have the money to declare my financial independence.

Finally, a student of mine recommended me to watch a commencement speech, Change the World by Making Your Bed - by Admiral William McRaven. If you have not seen it yet, it is worth the six minutes.

Well, I do feel a bit recharged after I took a few hours for myself. I hope you are also recharged and ready for the week ahead!

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