I took some pictures during the August eclipse in the USA. I was not in the path of totality, but, still, there was, we were told, to be significant coverage of the sun disc. Walking outside at the time, the slow change was not extremely noticeable, although one could feel a lessening of the sun intensity and a brief cooling of temperature. However, when looking at before and after pictures I took, the change is actually noticeable. The eyes and brain get acclimated to gradual change in the sky, particularly then the sun is still bright enough so that marked darkening does not occur . But looking at the objective evidence of a picture taken several hours before the eclipse to a set of pictures taken during - the distinction is obvious. Note that, unfortunately, the sun was too bright for an unfiltered phone camera to show any change in the sun disc - the brightness overwhelms and the partial coverage is not seen. However, the sky color darkening can definitely be seen. Note that I did not look at the sun (no eclipse glasses - dangerous for the eyes!), just pointed the phone in the general direction and got lucky with some photos. Also, taking unfiltered sun pictures can in theory damage the phone camera, but in my case it did not happen.
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