Sunday, September 17, 2017


More than three years ago, my teenage daughter developed acne, and we have been going to our local dermatology clinic for the past 2+ years. My girl went through an oral antibiotic and Epiduo, as well as topical antibiotics. Through these treatments, the skin condition has been fluctuating; however, a few months ago, the acne exploded into the worst inflammation I have ever seen. The U.S. dermatologists recommended a new topical antibiotic. Our insurance refused to cover it, and in the middle of the bargaining process, we went to visit my family abroad. This is how my daughter and I ended up in a dermatology office outside the U.S. 

The foreign doctor gave us an one-hour speech on the ramifications of having acne, on all likely reasons for acne, and all preconceptions of the condition, the approaches that could or could not help (in this category were the antibiotics). He even handed me as a gift a booklet he had written.

Finally, he got from his chair, opened one of his cabinets and extracted a few bottles and tubes of ISISPHARMA. This French company is offering a series of products called Teen-derm K.  We bought a bottle of lotion to clean the face and a tube of concentrate to treat the face with. 

The most novel active ingredient in this treatment is the 5-alpha avocuta, a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor extracted from avocado. The inhibitors of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase do not allow for the formation of dihydrotestosterone from testosterone. Dihydrotestosterone is a potent hormone that supports inflammation. In fact, it seems to stimulate not only acne, but also cerebrovascular inflammation through the activation of NF-kappaB.

According to the website of ISISPHARMA, the concentrate also contains Boswellia extract, salycilic acid, glucose and Xylitol.

According to this website, “Boswellia Serrata is a gum resin extracted from a tree, which is sometimes burnt (the entire species of Boswellia is commonly known as Frankinsence) as an aromatic, or otherwise administered as medicine.” Boswellia extract has anti-inflammatory activity.

It has been almost a month now and we have seen really good results. After so many frustrations, at least these products worked for us. However, the products of ISISPHARMA are not easy to buy in the U.S.  We brought a limited stash of the products home for personal use. The continuous use of Teen-derm K will require Amazon orders (the products are shipped from Europe).

If you would like to learn more, through online forums I found this link to a clinical study on avocuta. It seems that the effects of the reductase inhibitor are at least equivalent to these of retinoids used for acne; however, the side effects are less pronounced.

Of course, personal discipline and some other home-cooked approaches could supplement the Teen-derm K effects.  Below are the recipes of two anti-inflammatory masks that one can mix in the kitchen. By the way, Teen-derm K also offers a mask, which we are currently trying since it came in the package of our first Amazon offer.
Aspirin-curcumin mask
Mix a teaspoon of plain yogurt, a few drops of apple cider vinegar (with the mother), two drops of tea tree oil, a dash of curcumin, three uncoated aspirin pills (crushed into powder), ½ tsp raw honey.

Avocado mask

Meshed avocado, a few drops of avocado oil, two drops of tea tree oil, yogurt to connect the ingredients.

Here is a good video for acne-spot treatment:

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