Saturday, September 23, 2017


Hello there!

These days, I have very little time to relax or do any of the four Cs of happiness as described by Dr. Lustig (i.e., connect, contribute, cope, and cook). 

The only niche I have chiseled as "my time" are the morning breakfasts, and this week I have been "KarlieKloss-obsessed". I have watched probably more than 20 of her short videos during my breakfast time. Some of these videos are dedicated to cooking, and I would like to share three of the recipes:

* About the pancakes: I tried the recipe myself and added a heaping Tbsp of Cream of Wheat per each banana/egg. I am anemic and this addition adds iron to my dietary intake in yet another form. Also, these pancakes do not break into pieces only if one makes them exceedingly small (as shown by Karlie). 

Bon appetit!

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