Sunday, December 2, 2018

What’s cooking this weekend

I decided to experiment in the kitchen with something new this weekend. I had the idea of making some rolled cookies with a simple dough and preserves inside, but then I found a jar of frozen mushrooms that I had cooked a few weeks ago, so plans changed.  

This is how I came to the split decision on a sweet and a salty galette. I baked a mushroom one and an apple one.  The recipes are below.


Galette dough for two galettes
3 cups of flour (I use 1:1 white to whole wheat flour)
1 cup yogurt
1 cup olive oil
½ tsp baking soda


Mushroom galette topping
1lb mushrooms, chopped in large pieces
1 large sweet onion
2 Tbsp olive oil
Salt, red pepper flakes (to taste)


Apple galette topping
3-4 Tbsp prune butter or any preserves you prefer
3 small apples (any type you like), cut into thin slices


Prepare the dough first. Mix the flour with the baking soda. In the middle of the flour mixture add the combined yogurt and oil. Combine with your hands and cover with oiled plastic wrap, if not using immediately. I refrigerated my dough for 2 hours. 

To assemble the galettes, divide the dough into two balls. Place each ball on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper and some flour on top. Roll the dough into an oval shape, as thin as the size of the cookie sheet allows (sprinkling some flour on top of the dough will help the rolling). Spread the toppings. For the apple galette, first spread the preserves and then arrange the apple slices on top. Fold the edges of the oval by lifting the parchment paper at the edges of the dough. Bake at 400°F for 35-40 minutes. (I decreased the temperature to 375°F for the last 10 minutes). 

Serve the mushroom galette with some grated cheese such as Parmesan. Sprinkle some powder sugar/cinnamon on top of the apple galette.
I will be experimenting soon  with other toppings. The choices are many: feta cheese, roasted peppers, soy sausages, olives, cheddar, ham... Or something sweet: orange marmalade with fresh orange slices, peaches, or mixed berries!

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