Thursday, April 5, 2018

Rising Collge Tuition

Related to this post, we read this article about rising college tuition and what you can do about it.  Note the part about “amenities.”  Providing such fluff is not only an incentive to draw students in, it is also a justification for the rapidly proliferating administrative parasites.  After all, why does a college or university require 10,000 deans (slight exaggeration) and more “student affairs” personnel than there are grains of sand on a beach (another very slight exaggeration)?  To provide those “amenities” and “enrich the student experience.”  It’s not only the “student experience” that is getting “enriched,” that’s for sure.  And the article touches upon another issue: education inflation; today, a college degree is required for jobs that in the past required only a high school diploma.  Eventually, one will need a PhD, MD, or JD for even the most mundane entry-level job, and then even that won’t be enough.

The cornerstone article may be useful to you, so take a look.

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