Today, on the last day of 2015, by chance or not, I found myself listening to If You Learn This, Your Life Will Never Be The Same (Law Of Attraction), a YouTube talk.
The main idea was succinctly summarized by a comment under the video:
Watch your thoughts, for they become words
watch your words, for they become actions,
watch your actions, for they become habits,
watch your habits, for they become your character
The gist of the talk is that success is the progressive realization of a worthy idea. Here is another take on the Law of Attraction. With the new year peeking in, I better grasp the vision of my future, and start my journey with a focus on what I can achieve. Best wishes to all of you!
Today I was reading the post of Mr. Money Mustache on optimism. The main theme is very relevant to the video above.
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