Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Tea tree oil

I am abroad, in a country where each pharmacy carries a wide variety of essential oils. They are displayed right next to the pharmacists. There is no way a client would miss the rows or small pretty containers. 

The oils come with amazing practical advice on how to safely use them. Below is a part of a leaflet that came with a small bottle of tea tree oil. I bought it because I have been using this oil and already know its benefits for my acne-prone skin. However, I was not aware of all other applications of the oil.
Melaleuca alternifolia is the Latin name of the botanical species.

What is the tea tree oil used for?

  • It restores and balances oily skin, decreases skin pore size, prevents acne.
  • It counteracts the unpleasant smell of sweaty feet; neutralizes bad breath.
  • It regenerates and strengthens the hair, removes dandruff.
  • It cleanses the air and neutralizes unpleasant room odors.

How to use the tea tree oil?
  • For massage, to each 100 ml of almond oil (or any other plant-based oil) add 20 drops of tea tree oil.
  • To strengthen your hair and remove the dandruff, enrich your hair shampoo or conditioner by adding 10 -15 drops of tea tree oil for each 100 ml of shampoo or conditioner.
  • To neutralize bad breath, rinse the mouth with a solution prepared with three drops of tea tree oil per 100 ml of water.
  • Against sweating, soak yourself in a bathtub with 6 - 8 drops of tea tree oil.
  • To stop the unpleasant smell of your feet, soak them in a container with water and 5 - 6 drops of tea tree oil.
  • To freshen up your room, prepare a spray bottle of 250 ml water and 15 - 20 drops of tea tree oil.
  • For acne remedy and clean skin, I have previously published my concoction of apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil and witch hazel. I use this solution to clean my face in the evening and in the morning, or after any strenuous/dirty job to unplug the skin pores. I have always been pimple-prone; however, since I started using this cleanser, my face has been quite clean and almost pimple-free. The added benefit is that the vinegar brightens some of the age spots.

Keep in mind that all essential oils are not recommended for pregnant women, mothers who breastfeed, children, and individuals with intolerance to any of the essences. The best approach to use is first to test whether you are sensitive to the oil.  
Store all essential oils tightly closed, away from sunlight.

Here is a useful video for acne-spot treatment with tea tree oil:

1 comment:

  1. Here is a great video on how to spot-treat acne. It utilizes tea tree oil:
