Sunday, November 26, 2017

Tired of mainstream media

I have re-started my "inside walking" in the evenings. 

In good weather, I always walk outside after dinner. However, once the weather deteriorates, and we switch to winter time, it is already dark and sometimes, extremely cold.

So, after a full workday and dinner, I have no other choice but to walk the periphery of my combined kitchen-living room space.  I walk minimum for 35 minutes every evening, and at the same time, I listen to podcasts. 

I have not turned on the TV for ages. I do not remember the last time I watched the news. If I happen to be close to a TV outside my home, I feel that its constant chatter tires me, bores me and even irritates me.

These days, I thought that I have already heard enough from the financial independence guys, so I started looking for other podcasts that would keep me entertained while walking. 

I was lucky to find something interesting. The podcasts are by men, and yet, the topics are of interest to me. The speakers are honest, which is refreshing, and all of them have great experiences to relate.

The Jocko Podcast is my first choice. Below is one great Jocko episode that I listened to just today.

Another recommendation is the podcast of Quintus Curtius. One of the episodes that hit close to home was this one:

Of course, I still follow up on any recent podcast by Joshua Sheats. He has been "my walking buddy" for more than a year now, and he still inspires me to go on.

Well, tomorrow is work as usual. I had four days of rest, and I feel slightly recharged.

Good luck to all working people out there, and I hope that you can find inspiration and thought-provoking topics on the podcasts of Jocko, Quintus Curtius and Joshua Sheats!

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