Sunday, June 18, 2017

Branding yourself, your business, or your company

I know that our blog has multiple personality disorder. My husband and I are all over the place – we write about science, jobs + related frustrations, herbs, finances, cancer, gardens, cooking, etc.

So, following up on our tradition – here is another post that probably you do not expect.

It is about branding. It was triggered by a talk by Simon Sinek, If You Don't Understand People, You Don't Understand Business.

Simon turns upside down the marketing/branding strategies employed by most companies. According to him, the businesses do not need to obsessively ask customers what exactly they expect, want, crave, look for, etc.

What companies need to do is to find their own symbol and declare their own mission. The companies have to define their own strong, true identity, express their beliefs and future trajectory. Only then they can attract true followers and establish the trust that customers develop with some brands.

Simon also gives a very apt analogy to this situation. He states that the behavior of the companies seeking the advice and guidance of their customers is equivalent to us going to our friends and asking, “How would you like me to dress, so that you to like me better; how do you want me to speak, so that you like me more?” The true friends would reply - just be yourself, I like you the way you are, this is why I am your friend.

Therefore, the message to the companies (or any business) is this: be authentic, declare your beliefs and mission, earn the trust of the people, create a trend, inspire the community, and only then you will have the followers and the success you are after.

Going back to this blog’s identity, I believe that my main mission is benevolence.


1. An inclination to perform kind, charitable acts.


a. A kindly act.

b. A gift given out of generosity.

I hope that I will continue to share as much wisdom and useful knowledge as possible. Today, this is an act of kindness.

Another great "branding" talk is this by Sasha Strauss, Think Branding, with Google - Conference Keynote - "Branding in the New Normal"

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