Saturday, April 8, 2017

Weekend cooking: no-meat moussaka

I am at a new stage of cooking experiments - the recipes start in my imagination, rather than through re-invention of  existing traditional recipes into healthy ones. 

Today's recipe was inspired by individual servings in pottery bowls from my past. 

The dish is prepared with onion, tomatoes, peppers, garlic, feta cheese, and a few potato pieces.  On top of the pottery bowl, one or two eggs are cracked and the whole thing is baked under a lid. The feta cheese melts between the tomatoes and the other vegetables, and results in absolutely divine taste when combined with some winter savory or other herbs. 

I decided to replicate the taste of this bowl dish, but in a big pan (13 x 10 inches). The result looked like moussaka, but it was all veggies, so I named it “no-meat moussaka”.


No-meat moussaka

2 Tbsp olive oil
1 can crushed tomatoes (28 oz)
1 can diced tomatoes (15 oz)
1 can green beans (15 oz) (or substitute with a can of corn)
1 big sweet onion (diced)
1 big pepper (diced) 

several garlic cloves (crushed)
5 - 6 potatoes (peeled and diced into cubes)
4 eggs and a carton of egg whites (16 oz)
2 cups crumbled feta cheese
4 Tbsp whole wheat flour
Spices: salt, winter savory, paprika, hot pepper flakes

In a frying pan, soften the onion and the pepper in the oil. Add the garlic in the last one-two minutes. Remove the onion mix to the baking pan. Fry the potatoes in the same frying pan, and add these to the onion mix along with the green beans (or corn) and the tomatoes. Add spices and mix well. Make a topping with the beaten eggs, egg whites, flour, and feta cheese. Pour on top of the vegetables. Bake for approximately one hour at 405°F.

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